Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So I really have nothing profound or entertaining to write about, but I feel like writing so I'm going to. I keep counting down the days until school is out and I swear on my life the number keeps getting bigger. I'm sad that I'll have to leave everyone in my ward because I know it's not very likely I will see them again, but the thought of moving home without having homework all the time just makes me so happy! It's so hard to keep up the motivation to study. I have three exams this week and I can't concentrate to take one of them. I have to take my anatomy test in an hour and I'm only halfway through studying, yet here I sit, writing pointless crap on my blog that no one will really care to read. So I started to re-read the book Left To Tell. I forgot how life changing that book is. I read it and I am blown away. My thoughts are constantly drawn to that book and it really touches every aspect of my life. There are some things in life that are so touching and I wish I knew how to write so I could fully express the way they make me feel, but I don't so you are left in the dark until you read that book for yourself. It's funny how sometimes I get in these really weird moods where nothing in life matters but the relationships I have with people. I often am blown away when I realize how lucky I am for the people and examples I have in my life. I know that God has a hand in everything including my life.


Heidi said...

I don't think this is pointless and I certainly enjoyed reading it :) I agree, the end of the school year is coming way too quickly... but at the same time not fast enough.
I love you Care!

Kelly said...

I enjoy reading your pointless crap as you call it. Little rat, I love you!