Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mud, Mud, Mud!!

I've always been a huge fan of mud wrestling. As many of my friends know it involves tackling each other in the mud and of course the steam roller! Once we finish we have to walk home covered in mud as people driving past gawk at the mud monsters walking by. I've reached the ultimate mud wrestling experience now.. mud wrestling in the front yard! How convenient! You don't even have to leave your property to get muddy! Our front lawn is being replaced so we currently have dirt for a lawn.. and when it rains we have MUD! The perfect mud to wrestle in. Rachel and I discovered this late one night and just couldn't resist the temptation. After watching Nacho Libre we had to try out the new moves we learned! Mud wrestling will never get old. I've loved it all my life and will continue to love it forever! My kids better like getting dirty because they won't have much of a choice with me! ;)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Power of Music

My whole life I've always loved music. Dancing, singing, playing paino, anything. I love it. Yet sometimes I am still so surprised at the power music has over my soul. I still am amazed at the feeling I get when I listen to something that empowers me. I can't even express in words the ability music has to affect my life. I don't think anyone can quite express the power music has over mankind. Of course there is the music that can so easily bring your spirit down, but when you hear that music that has the ability to lift it back up it's amazing the results you get. I listen to music constantly. At work, at school, while I exercise, while I clean, everywhere. I am so grateful for such an uplifting gift in my life. Music is my inspiration. It's what keeps me motivated in life.