Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spontaneous road trip!

We all took a spontaneous road trip to California and Vegas. We stayed at our friend Sami's dad's house in Cali and had a blast! We went to the beach.. which was freezing but so so fun and we also went to downtown Disney. It was quite the adventure. We spent our last night in Vegas and walked the strip! It was so so fun.. minus the porn and smoke. We rode the New York New York roller coaster and saw everything until we were too tired to see anymore. I never want to ride in the car again, but it was worth the 12 hour drive for a weekend of fun!


Kelly said...

Fun stuff. Wish I could have been there. You guys rock. I can't wait for the day when we will get to do random trips like that almost every day. I miss you like "the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter." I had to use that one, just for fun.

Sami said...
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Sami said...

I wish I could've spent more time with you guys on that trip. Haha. We should have at least taken a few pictures together.